Ajay Bhardwaj
Ajay Bhardwaj
Ph.D., President
Dr. Bhardwaj has more than 20 years of technical and management experience in medical education, health services research, program monitoring, and evaluation. He is an expert in research methodology and outcome assessment, having successfully directed over 50 domestic and global projects across continents. Before joining McKinley Group, he worked as Managing Director at The Gallup Organization supporting Federal, state, and international clients. He has also worked for The Ohio State University,
The State University of New York (Syracuse), and TNS. He has authored numerous technical reports, published in peer-reviewed journals, and presented at national meetings. Dr. Bhardwaj earned his Ph.D. at The Ohio State University.
The State University of New York (Syracuse), and TNS. He has authored numerous technical reports, published in peer-reviewed journals, and presented at national meetings. Dr. Bhardwaj earned his Ph.D. at The Ohio State University.
Dr. Ajay Bhardwaj has led and managed multiple high-visibility projects in healthcare services research and international development during the last 20 years. He has served as Chief Scientist and Manager with full responsibilities for study design, execution, deliverables, and communication with Federal and state officials and subcontractors on many of these projects.